News and Events

One of our goals is to keep you, our supporters, informed of all of the exciting things that are happening at Love of Orphans. Besides our quarterly Newsletter, we will be sending you periodic communication about upcoming events and special projects.


We will all miss Melba!

Covid Behind Us and a Bright Future Ahead of Us!

The past 2 years have been especially difficult during the global pandemic. Like many of us, the Hogar lost children and members of their staff. The period of lockdown was very strict in Colombia. The children that attend school went to virtual learning so the days at the Hogar were full, literally!!

We are so grateful for all of our donors. Their generosity made it possible for us to continue our vital support of the orphans during the pandemic. We could not have made such an impact without their help. Thank you! 

”Life is made up of many small details so let us keep building.”

- Sister Valeriana

Construction beginning for new dormitory for teenage boys.

Completed construction - new dormitory.

Celebrating Sister Valeriana …..Happy Birthday to you!

A festive time was had by all as we celebrated Sister Valeriana’s Birthday! We give thanks to the Lord for her and the amazing work she has done and continues to do.